

A multilingual storybook app in over 108 different low-resource and marginalized languages.

There are over 7000 languages around the world- yet only 200 exist on popular translation platforms. We built EduLang to bridge the digital divide experienced by 3 billion speakers of low-resource languages.






languages served

languages served

languages served


volunteer hours spent


in funding from large orgs

in funding from large orgs

in funding from large orgs

Live Translation

Translate into over 108+ languages using EduLang's live translation feature. Simply upload a book in English that you'd like to be translated, and EduLang will translate the content while positioning the translated text on the same page- thereby enabling bilingual learning.

Live Translation

Translate into over 108+ languages using EduLang's live translation feature. Simply upload a book in English that you'd like to be translated, and EduLang will translate the content while positioning the translated text on the same page- thereby enabling bilingual learning.

Book Library

We have over 500 books in our personalized book library. Each language has culturally-sensitive, appropriate books for children to read and relate to. Users can also upload their own books, and we have an admin functionality to either approve or deny them.

Book Library

We have over 500 books in our personalized book library. Each language has culturally-sensitive, appropriate books for children to read and relate to. Users can also upload their own books, and we have an admin functionality to either approve or deny them.

Demo Video